DNI/DNFIs, BYFs and more
(Do Not Interact/Do Not Follow If, Before You Follow)
An extensive compilation of various things various social media users, and carrd/strawpage creators would like you to know before interacting with them. The following are directly copy-pasted from carrds and other places I found from, either by searching "site:carrd.co dni" on search engines or randomly on social media. Unsourced to protect their identities.
What is a carrd/strawpage? What is this?
Carrd.co and strawpage are free website builders with the intention of allowing people to make a simple, business card-like page. They're often used as an extended bio for someone's twitter or tumblr, since those platforms have a limited character count for user descriptions, but are also used to spread information about a topic, aggregate a user's social media links, or for artists to host their commission info.
The pages used for user bios usually contain standard bio information like gender and likes/dislikes, but also categories such as: DNI (Do Not Interact/Follow), for characteristics the reader could have that the user wants to avoid, and BYF (Before You Follow), for disclaimers about the user themself, that the reader is expected to be aware of before interacting. Also, occasionally, for the reader's convenience, some writers decide to list topics that are triggering to them. Their intention being that others will know not to bring it up around them, but also has the side effect of making it easy for bad actors to upset them. Please, do not put information on the internet that people can use to hurt you.
These is not my DNI. This is a collection that I've compiled over time. I do not have a DNI.
Further Explanation
These are all sourced from user bios, carrds, strawpages, and other places online. I started this list in 2022, so anything could have been written from the present to around then. They are grouped into common themes, but otherwise the ordering is random. When I update this list now, I try to only grab entries that are new, interesting, and/or underrepresented in this list, because a lot of DNIs still have the same elements in them.
If some of the terms or purpose of these make no sense to you, or if you are simply interested in learning more, I run a Tumblr blog called DNI-Translation that goes through several DNIs and explains them in too much detail.
- DNI if: -the obvious stuff
- If you're not all inclusive just block as I fight for all to be safe in this world.
- Basic DNI criteria [racist, sexist, homophobic, TERF/Truscum, Exclusionist, conservative/fascist/auth or lib-right (ancap, anfascist, MRA/Incels/MGTOW types, nat-an/an-mon, objectivist + pro-life/anti-choice or reproductive rights, "reverse racist" types, zionists)]
- ur racist, transphobic, ableist, homophobic
- you are racist
- Homophobic/Transphobic/Bigoted in any way
- racist, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, pedophile, anti BTS, radfem
- transphobic, ableist, pedophilic, and abusive.
- terf, truscum, otherwise transphobic
- you're homophobic, racist, islamophobic, sexist, ableist, biphobic, etc.
- Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, etc (don't be rude, thanks.)
- toxic, hypocrites, racists, liars, homophobic, close-minded, snitch, doxxer, insensitive, problematic
- You're sexist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, racist, basically a piece of trash in general.
- You're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, generally ignorant/sh*tty
- You follows the basic dni. (transphobic, pedo/map, homophobe, etc)
- Basic DNI criteria (homophobic, racist etc)
- Basic criteria (racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, pedophile, supporters of these things, etc.)
- proshippers, maps, truscum/transmed, racist, lgbtphobic + supporter of the above.
- basic dfi criteria (homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc)
- basic dni criteria (homophobic, racist etc.)
- basic DNI criteria (lgbtphobe, racist, ablest pedo, etc)
- basic criteria (trumpie, lgbtq+ phobic, ableist, sexist, racist, etc.)
- basic dni list (lgbtphobic, fatphobic, pedo necro and zoo, racist, shota and loli)
- you don't respect the dfi criteria
- you fit the basic dni criteria (homophobes transphobes racists proshippers)
- basic DNI (racists, zoos, etc)
- dni if you fit the casual dni list or are under 13 please !
- Basic dni :p , as long as u aren’t hurting any1 I don’t give a fart
- 8asic dni criteria and that's it. i aslo 8lock freely
- Basic DNI Criteria (Look it up if you don't know)
- u’ve basic criteria
- Basic din criteria
- basic dni criteria
- basic dnfi criteria
- you fit general dni criteria
- basic criteria.
- basic criteria
- gen criteria
- general criteria
- Default DNI
- general list..🐧
- you are lgbtqphobic
- Transfobhic
- general stuff
- dont rlly have any .. just dont b in basic dni
- Average dni stuff
- Judgy People
- People Who Don't Take No as an Answer
- you are dumb and an incel and just an awful person
- People Who Bully Kids For Being a Kid
- scammer, irresponsible buyer, racist
- Rude Asf People
- purposely trigger ppl
- rude for no reason
- you are rude & non accepting of neurodivergent individuals
- don’t interact if you’re in any way bigoted or discriminatory
- Anyone who has ever been mean to Mae. Big dni.
- won't change the topic when told!
- Willfully ignorant
- If you're the type of person who refuses to be educated on topics and be aggressive about it.
- Trolls
- dni with me if you are just a bad person in general!
- people who bully newer players on ANYTHING (because that's downright rude)
- Cat haters
- Furry Haters
- furries ask to follow (ignore if im folowing you/ already mutuals)
- You are going to call me a furry in a scornful, hurtful, and/or rude way
- furry/therian hater's
- invalidates other's feelings
- hate on ppl because of their interests
- send random hate
- ppl who hate for no reason ur annoying
- pro-harassment (it's never the answer)
- u harass shedtwt and comshipers
- cant respect someone else’s opinion
- if u cant take a persons oppinion then srry but dni
- Disrespectful
- A fake.
- Stuff that makes the user uncomfortable; Calling the user slurs,
- makes fun of ppls intrest unless its like idk morally wrong
- People who make fun of people for their art style (Ew)
- believe “mspec/male lesbians” exist
- think lesbians can be with trans men ( transmasc ≠ trans man)
- anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays
- think pronouns always equal gender
- Mspec gay/lesbian, lesboy/turigirl, harmful identities
- believe in bi/pan lesbians, don't support usage of neopronouns & xenogenders
- supports bi/pan lesbians/gays and lesbian men
- you think nonbinary or he/him lesbians aren't real (fuck you) ... if you think bi/pan lesbians are real I don't even wanna fuckin look at you lmao block me ... gatekeep valid identities
- you are against he/him / nb lesbians, or she/her / nb gays (pronouns dont always equal gender) ... you are or support bi / pan (m-spec) lesbians/gays (you are invalidating mspec identities AND lesbians/gays) ... You think lesbian is an umbrella term (it means nonmen loving nonmen)
- if u dont respect ppls pronouns (including neos)
- transphobic, biphobic, panphobic, bi/pan-lesbian (or if you support them), etc
- Don't support he/him or they/them lesbians/she/her or they/them gays
- u don't believe in they/them or he/him lesbians
- transphobic, racist, bi/pan lesbians,
- bi/pan "lesbians"
- support/believe in mspec lesbians (for the last time, lesbians are not attracted to men)
- support mspec lesbians, invalidate non she/her lesbians
- exclus including excluding mspec and "weird" labels
- mspec lesbian/gay or supporter, anti xenogender/neopronouns
- ok with the term "bisexual lesbian"
- you dont support he/him lesbians
- if u dont support he/him + they/them lesbians
- I curse mogai and I don't support pan (I don't usually discuss or talk about anything, I just stay neutral on the subject)
- gatekeepers, against she/her gays and he/him lesbians, think mspec lesbains/gays are valid
- u do believe in bisexual lesbians or MAPs being a part of the LGBT+ community
- aro/ace exclustionist, don't support pansexuality, support mspec/straight lesbians/gays
- invalidate neopronouns, he/him they/them and neopronouns lesbians, support bi/pan lesbians,
- Bi/pan lesbian/supporter
- ask to follow if you: are pansexual
- think that pan & bi arent basically the same thing / that pansexuality is somehow more inclusive than bisexuality
- identify as pansexual
- mogais
- Detransitioner
- Transandrophobia truther or transmisogynist
- Use the terms transmisandry or transandrophobia
- use "tme/tma"
- People who think "Transmisandry/Transandrophobia" are real
- if you identify as animesexual, dreamsexual etc
- you associate with or identify as dream/dsmp sexual, dreamgender, purplesexual, beesexual, animesexual, MAP, etc.
- You think he/him lesbians, she/her gays, and people who use neopronouns in general dont exist, are doing it for attention, etc.
- non accepting of neopronouns
- Don't support neopronouns
- against xenogenders and/or neopronouns
- think that pronouns equal gender (they dont equal gender at all)
- Are an aro/ace exclusionist.
- You don’t believe in/respect aces/aros
- You don’t believe in/respect nonbinary genders (agender, bigender, genderfluid, etc)
- You don’t believe in/respect it/it’s, they/Them, or neopronouns
- misgendering me (ask for pronouns)
- "Incels" "Femcels"
- You use the blue and green gay flag
- toothpaste flag users/supporters
- if you use the green/blue gay flag or id as achillean
- youre a “MAP” or a “NOMAP” or support them, you use the toothpaste gay man flag,
- you use that goddamn toothpase flag
- People who are against the achillean label or the gay flag
- If you believe the ocean/"toothpaste" gay flag was stolen from the lesbian flag
- you take part in performative or harmful lgbt infighting like crying about flag colors or whatever.
- toothpaste/listerine mlm flag user/supporter
- labrys flag user/supporter
- You support Flags that are not valid (Ex. Maps, Super Straight, trans-Age, Trans-Race, etc...)
- typing quirk/fonts
- make fun of typing quirks
- Refuse to translate your typing quirk
- you have fonts anywhere on your account
- you have/use fonts on your acc
- your account has fancy fonts
- no fonts, must have pronouns if its safe
- has fonts in their dn and/or bio, even when they know that screenreaders (for people who need it) cant read it
- have fonts in bio/dn/tweets
- Mock tone-tags
- anti tone tags (if you don’t use them, that’s fine)
- make fun of tone indicators
- If you do not use tw !!! I do not want to list mine, but they are very common
- refuse to put warning on gore, certain noises i ask ppl to, etc.
- you don't have your race on your acc
- no pronouns displayed
- against self diagnose (if they’ve done extent research)
- speak over minorities when their talking about their struggles, compare the struggles of minorities
- you like "dark humor" that involves racism or pedophilia
- Use the term "dark humor" 💀💀💀
- "Brainrot humor"
- 2020 and so on humor/talk its insufferable really
- only speaking to people who are ENGLISH SPEAKERS or know english
- cishet men.
- non mlm/nblm that read yaoi
- Cis (unless I interact first)/hj
- cisgender! /srs
- cishet /srs
- radfems terfs cishets pan & biphobic
- you are cishet and white
- You're cishet (current mutuals are fine)
- cishet white ppl
- if ur white please please block me! full offense
- cishet men
- you support pedophilia/incest
- You’re a pedo/supporter/apologist
- pedophiles/child predators
- you support maps (minor attracted ppl) aka pedophiles
- you dont believe in age of consent
- MAPs or MAP supporters
- pdfiles
- child touchers ect..
- kid diddlers because I am a kid erm,,, (´°̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥`)
- pedos/groomers
- rpists, gr00mers, etc.
- Groomers/Problematic people
- my groomers
- You’re a TERF/Radfem
- Terfs/SJWs
- You’re an exclusionist
- You’re a transmed/truscum
- You’re a NFSW blog
- Gay people /MAJ!!
- You’re TCC (both)
- You’re thinspo/fatspo
- will bring thinspo or anything like it onto my tl
- "I'm anorexic! (I don't wanna recover thanks ❤)"
- xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, fat phobic etc.
- Bodyshame
- You’re anti religion/atheism/agnosticism
- rude about any religion (inc. christianity) except if you have a reason (trauma)
- Hardcore religious people/people who support organized religions/cults
- cults/religious abuse (especially pagan in nature)
- against witchcraft/paganism
- Satanists
- INTENSE religious.
- suicide ppl
- You support Autism Speaks, PETA, and The Salvation Army, even after knowing how bad they are.
- PETA supporters
- fetishise mlm
- you fetishize mlm or wlw
- you fetishize asians or any race
- you sexualize minors
- if you s3xualize ppl
- sexualize real people
- ok with sexualizing/aging up characters who are minors
- sexualize minors
- You sexualize minors
- only like kaito to sexualize him
- Fetishizer (fetishizing same sex relationships is not cool)
- Those who fetishize mlm and flf ships/relationships
- Sexualize or romanticize maid dresses, or draw characters in them.
- If you're the type of person who fetishizes lesbians or any sexuality/race.
- people who sexualize phighters , object show characters and tallies
- You support problematic creators
- if you shit on gamzee stans for liking a character
- dni if you defend chris chan i can't stand that motherfucker
- you support/like 4lung (Please just. Get Better Artists for the love of god)
- fanfic account
- non edtwt
- solo stan
- Tommyinnit Stans
- minecraft stan
- Kacey fans, Cmc fans, jiski fans
- kaeya stans /hj
- DSMP Fans/Stans
- support Dream or ANY of the dsmp (disgusting.)
- you are on the side of DreamSMP or Manberg [per Tommy's request]
- Dream stans(Dream fans are ok)
- and dsmp dteam wilbur defenders/neutrals its not hard to not be a freak.
- dreamteam schlatt punz wilbur minx fundy fans
- talking about the dream / Wilbur etc situation
- dream stand
- schaltt/dream anti
- any dream smp slander
- larries are okay but i'm neutral (just be respectful) NO ZIAMMIES
- you int with dsmp content
- MCYT stan unless current mutual. You guys are fucking annoying I'M SORRY
- main mcyttwt (current mutuals ok)
- poppytwt or nsfwtwt
- stan/support dsmp/mcyts minx connoreatspants etc. (hyfxs + d/as included).
- you support Joshua basset in any way shape or form
- You support Pewdiepie, Melanie Martinez, Camila Cuevas, or other problematic creators
- publically support shitty people, or people who i speak negatively about.
- If you support Yagami Yato
- support philza, kacey, schlatt, minx, karl, techno, eret, fundy, a6d, cmc, hbomb, pokimaine, ksi, scott smajor, corpsetwt.
- I don't support Jschlatt but you may interact if you're respectful
- If you send hate to schlatt/connor fans
- in sh ed dsmp/mcyttwt. kpop anti. only/strictly mcyt. toxic gg or bg/solo stan.
- Are a MCYT anti
- stan harry styles
- i do NOT stan oh my girl, (g) idle, mmm, seungri or suju, please don’t follow me if you do or i will block u
- if you stan/support scarjo, jkr, tom felton, chris pratt, jeremy renner, nikita mazepin
- like/support: the hadids, eleanor, camille, jeff azoff, olivia wilde, maya henry, kardashians/jenners,etc…
- support techno,kacey,schlatt,cmc, a6d,minx,fundy,connor
- Defender of CMC or Jikishi
- those toxic wrioney/arlefuri/dottoscara defenders
- if you stan noise kids, super senior, momoland reject brothers, flop yn
- on mcyt/ed/shtwt, nctzen, stay, blink, suju stan, bigbang stan, weird exol
- use sulli for ur fanwars or aesthetic
- no babygaters
- support parody accounts
- Not a stan account (current mutuals are okay)
- h•tdigg•tyd•m•n supporter
- defends/supports kaceytron, a6d, callmecarson, hbomb, minx, mizkif, and crazyslick
- supporter of any of these people: trump, activision blizzard, anyone problematic in general
- people who watch game grumps
- Support and defend problematic creators
- SCP Wiki admins and their supporters
- captainhowdie supporters
- vivziepop defenders (you can like hazbin and helluva and not support her)
- vivziepop supporters (i like her shows, but i don’t like the weird shit she’s done. look it up pls before blocking me.)
- vivziepop media
- Hitmax supporters
- bickerysebastian supporters (he traumatized me!!)
- tmc blueycapsules tcoaal fans
- blueycapsules fans ((they still exist.
- makima superfans
- alfred alfer fans/fanbase
- Brendon Urie stans
- Courtney Love defenders
- You stan overly problematic people/defend problematic things they've done
- Supporters of Problematic People/Creators, Zionists, etc.
- if you read/enjoy duplicity
- General bad media (AOT / OFMD / Hazbin Hotel / DSMP / you get the gist)
- Hazbin hotel fans (Unless you're my friend, you have the ultimate exception.)
- hazbin hotel fan (unless i'm friendly w/ you)
- regretavator or however you spell it fans, (again, unless I personally know you, you have the ultimate exception)
- phighting fans (thin ice unless i think your cool or friends)
- Helluva and Hazbin haters (unless you are chill about me liking the show. if you are just going to hate on me for it, fuck off.)
- WDYtwt (friends are fine)
- Paintyang haters/dislikers, unless ur a friend
- Hazbin/Genshin/Honkai/TNMN fans (except friends)
- weird subtwts like shtwt or edtwt (current moots thin ice) and subtwts related to the above
- If your a Weird hazbin hotel fan
- Support problematic media (i.e. south park, camp camp, hazbin hotel, etc)
- PROBLEMATIC media enjoyers (MAINLY coffin of andy and leyley)
- You consume irredeemable media (Vivziepop content, Killing Stalking, BtD, Dream SMP, Your Boyfriend, etc)
- you support irredeemable media (homestuck, south park, dsmp, etc.)
- support irredeemable media (hs, aot, hazbin hotel, promare, etc.)
- If you enjoy irredeemable media such as SNK, camp camp, homestuck, yansim, etc. (JJBA fan are on thin ice. We might block you.)
- if ur a fan of irredeemable media then. leave <3 this includes homestuck, mcyt, south park, aot, etc. danganronpa fans r on thin ice.
- consume irredeemable media (aot, hetalia…)
- -you support "problematic" or irredeemable media (homestuck, hazbin hotel, south park, su, hetalia, camp camp, etc)
- If you're from problematic fandom (ex. Your Boyfriend, YBC, DSMP, Ranfren, Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Gushing over magical girls anime, etc..)
- fans of irredeemable media (hp, aot, etc)
- into irredeemable media (aot, harry potter, homestuck, dsmp, etc.)
- irredeemable media [hazbin hotel, aot, yansim]
- like irredeemable media (south park, hetalia, attack on titan, etc.)
- fan of irredeemable media (hetalia/aot/killing stalking/hazbin hotel)
- you enjoy schlatt, kalvin garrah, or any irredeemable media in general
- support harmful and irredeemable media such as homestuck, killing stalking, detroit: become human, hazbin hotel, south park, attack on titan, etc
- fan of irredeemable media (hazbin, sp, etc etc)
- If you're into irredeemable media (harry potter, aot, homestuck, etc.)
- like hazbin hotel, south park, homestuck, attack on titan, steven universe, hamilton or any irredeemable media or gross media
- consume irredeemable media (hetalia, aot, camp camp, south park, etc...)
- if u like/self-insert with irredeemable media
- you like irredeemable media (hetalia, aot, yansim, etc)
- like hazbin hotel,south park,homestuck, attack on titan, hamilton any irredeemable media really
- you like irredeemable media (snk, hazbin, south park, etc)
- people who like irredeemable media/shitty ships you know who you are and i WILL block you. this includes goyim who like promare.
- any "irredeemable" media (harry potter, camp camp, hnk, dbh, etc)
- supporters of irredeemable media, cottagecore, goblincore, dark academia blogs,
- Traumacore, Yanderecore, G*blincore, Cottagecore, and Gore blogs
- Any fans of irredeemable media. This includes such thing as Boyfriend to Death, Killing Stalking, Dramatical Murder, South Park, Pewdiepie or yaoi in general.
- anyone following funamusea/mogeko, steven universe, marvel, voltron, omori, and mcyt
- you like/watch the series "RWBY"
- don't interact if you consume irredeemable media or the following, even if critically: country humans, hazbin hotel, southpark, homestuck, camp camp, sanders sides, hetalia, attack on titan, sonic real time fandubs
- you don't consume or judge media at least critically.
- don't consume media critically / consume irredeemable media
- like irredeemable media (aot, hetalia etc) or bts; don't consume media critically
- ur not critical of shit u consume
- horror/creepypasta, intense/extreme gore
- Terraria, Baldi, or Cookie Run fans (You're fine if it isn't your "main" fandom)
- people who like changed/anything "transfur" related
- the coffin of andy and leyley fans
- d&b golden apple fans
- alfred's playhouse fans
- Eddsworld, South park
- if ur a idv fan
- A Shipper
- anti oc x canon/selfship/yumeship
- Kaeluc/LucKae shipper (Personally just simply uncomfortable with it)
- ryukyo / ginmado / kyogin / velko & more. you CAN ship them but please... don't obsess with it on me.....
- you ship kaeluc
- Ship JosCarl
- kaeluc shippers
- You ship ShuSumi, ShuTaba, AkeSumi, AkeTaba, SefiKura, AeriSeph, ZackSeph, Jelix, BakuDeku, AkuRoku, or any a/m ships at all.
- ship / are okay with ANY shiro x paladin ships
- ship dreamnap and pandastwt mains
- ship/support shadow x maria
- You ship the Wolf witchers together, or ANY witchers of the same school.
- headcanon the bandori girls as anything but lesbian or acearo
- u dont use they/them for kris, chara or frisk
- dont use she/her for arashi
- use anything other than she/her pronouns for naru enstars; like rinniki
- use he/him on arashi
- You use he/him for Arashi
- Scaramona shipper and Danganronpa fan
- Odazai, morizai, akuzai shippers dni. Same goes for Fyoya.
- Skatergradient shipper.
- sontails shippers
- Black Hole x Tree, Pie x Bottle, Nickel x Pillow, Bomby x Pillow, Nickel x Book
- spuriken/mcgenji/casgen , swiftblade , genzo/shimadacest shippers!
- Diadop, it makes me heavily uncomfortable.
- sukunaxmegumi shippers
- megastar, sukugo, tojigo, tojisugu, shippers
- spy x scout shippers
- steveniel or steven/connie x gem shippers
- Sukuita/Goyuu
- NozoCoco shippers
- Jotakak Shippers
- yukakoichi Shippers
- izumako/shunazu shippers
- Partake/Defend/Enjoy in Proshipping
- "Problematic Ships" / Pro-ship
- if ur “neither” anti or proship
- If you are an anti-anti/pro-shipper. I don't care about the discourse for that, I just think it's annoying.
- proship/terfs/truscum
- Zionist, proshipper, comshipper, racist, homo
- racist, homophobic, dislike darren criss/glee
- abelist,fatphobic,proshipper/map,you dont believe in age of consent
- MAPs and Zoos
- zoophilia/bestiality (including any jokes or mentions)
- zoophs/pedos/proship/pro-para/Ageplay +Exclusionists
- zoophiles, necrophiliacs
- zoophiles,gooners
- zoophilist
- proshitters and anyone neutral towards them dni
- pro-shipper
- Proshipper (leave)
- proshipper / anti-anti / comshipper (you guys are gross, get out of my sight)
- proship / anti-anti
- you are pro-ship or an "anti anti" or whatever
- pedophiles, zoophiles, rapists, and their apologists (apologists includes anti antis)
- Proship/Fujoshi
- Proshit/comshit DNI
- and proships and comshippers or whatever...
- -dramatic over ANY fictional ships. -proshipper
- Proshipers
- An anti / someone who deems fictional media "problematic"
- ur an anti
- People who harass others for fiction (antis ,pro shippers, anyone)
- Don’t let people enjoy media the way they want to
- You’re a pro shipper/anti anti
- are a proshipper or support pedophilic/incestual/zoophilic pairings
- Proshippers aka freaks that defend incest/zoo/sexualization of minors.
- pedos/"anti anti" or "pro ship"/romanticize abuse or incest
- people who romanticise @buse and s/@ !
- you like problematic ships like frans and fontcest (die)
- you are into v0re or furries (in the s3xual way)
- extreme fetish (scat and vore mainly)
- Active in fandom discourses, harassing people over fictional tastes.
- you believe fantasy = / = reality
- think fiction doesn’t effect reality
- Believe that fiction does not affect reality
- You think fiction doesnt affect reality in any way.
- if u support illegal ships
- illegal shippers
- pro/darkshippers
- Pro/Darkship
- anti selfship
- you selfship with any canon abusers
- you selfship with canonical pedophiles, nazis, incest perpetrators etc.
- you selfship with minors as an adult, even if you 'age them up'.
- think selfcest / mirrorship is proship! (its not.)
- against selfshipping, oc x canon, or self-inserts (cry about it!! :3)
- make/support genderswaps
- Make nsfw/genderbend/edit art of my OCs
- u make/reshare genderbends (hcing characters to be trans ≠ genderbending)
- apologist of abuser/alcoholic/any red flags chartchers
- If you like or are an apologist of Valentino from Hazbin Hotel.
- valentino (hazbin hotel) fans stay away from me
- NO INCEST or NON-CON SUPPORTERS - i hope you suffer.
- adult/minor shippers / incest shippers / people who ship real people
- you ship incest
- ok with shipping incest
- any incest [even adopted] or pedophilic ships
- you ship incest, pedophilia, teacher/student, abuse, etc.
- Think shipping minors or people who aren't okay with shipping is okay
- People who ship characters that have a sibling dynamic or parent - child dynamic
- people who enjoy gross stuff like g*re, inc*st, ect.
- u age up canon minors for sexual/fetish purposes
- If you like, post or share cub-nsfw, loli/shota or any nsfw / suggestive art of kid characters
- i also refuse to associate with proshippers who condone or engage with pedophilic, zoophilic, or incestual relationships, fictional or otherwise, including the sexualization of minors/animals
- u call minors "twink" wth!!
- You ship highly problematic ships (Abuser/Victim, incest, child/adult (Even if the minor is aged up)
- anyone who ships the traveler with minors and/or views them as one
- calls genshin kids "lolis"
- calling characters "waifu" or "loli"
- UNIRONICALLY say things like "Waifu" or "Husbando"
- pedophiles( maps/no-maps/loli/shotacon/abdl) zoophiles/proshippers or interact with any content of the sort (KYS)
- You support L@li/Sh@ta/feral NSFW
- Pedo/Lolicon/Shotacon/Kodocon (both in real life & fiction)
- feral + cub nsfw
- you like feral porn
- zoophiles (includes people who draw feral porn yuck (anthro porn is on a fine line but I'll tolerate it as long as I don't have to see it))
- u support zoophilia, pedophilia, any other harmful paraphilias (it INCLUDES art)
- draw underage/zoophilic nsfw ( and YES this includes 'feral' style nsfw furry art
- Zoophilia / Beastiality in any way shape or form, whether it is real or not. This Includes anything that sexualizes feral animals or the normalization of it. This Does Not include Furries, Anthropomorphic Animals, Or Characters Of Age That Have Animal-like Characteristics.
- you or support zoophilia, pedophilia, any other harmful paraphilias (feral nsfw and nsfw with cubs/loli also it also counts under it)
- support ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ (condones feral nsfw)
- think feral nsfw is okay/zoo, (die)
- Zoophiles ζ / Animal Abusers / Feral Porn
- draw/enjoy/interact with feral and/or mlp nsfw
- a "brony" ( This is a trigger not a statement )
- post/repost mlp artwork often
- Chances are that you will be blocked already if you're into "anatomically accurate/realistic depictions of feral animal nsfw." 🤢🤮
- zoophiles or feral NSFW artists
- a zoophile / create/consume zoophilic content of any kind; create/consume nsfw of feral characters
- Defending harmful shit like pedophilia or zoophilia with "iT'S JusT fICTiOn" will get you blocked
- make/support feral nsfw or wings of fire feral nsfw
- Are a Feral Porn/Feral NSFW Drawer/Reposter/Enjoyer/Defender
- if you are "pro-kink"/"pro-problematic kink" OR consider yourself anti anti or proship basically if youre a fucking freak please get out
- people who think animal genitals in porn is ok
- big 3 (zoo, pedo, necro)
- paraphilic
- pro-para (specifically problematic paras)
- radqueers/transID
- endo supporters/trans id (transamputee, transplual, transautistic/RCTA, DCTA)/
- other things frowned upon by society or are just illegal
- ddlg
- NSFW / KINK / DDLG / CGL / ABDL / ageplay / petplay
- ddlg/cgl(re), littlespace, or supporters
- CGL(re) / liltots / agere society / non-system littles (littlespace)
- You're into, or support DDLG/CGL (SFW Agere is okay)
- ddlg. (sfw agere is okay)
- You're anti-age/pet regression, you sexualize age / pet regression
- you’re cgl / ddlg / cglre / liltot / kidheart / littlespace / babyfur, and variants.
- ABDL, CGL, babyfur, other things of this nature.
- you're a babyfur/diaperfur (ABDL + DDLG incl.; age-reg [nsx] is fine)
- general criteria and age regressors.. icky
- against age regression, into ddlg/the variants of it
- Proship aka freak
- if youre a freak lol ill just block
- ur a freak
- just don't be a freak ok!
- just don't be a freak
- are generally a freak
- this isn't a safe place for freaks
- if you are hateful or weird, dni.
- Do not interact if you are in any weird subtwt’s
- FREAKS !! (not silly people.. theres a difference)
- weirdos,problematic, nsfw artists
- problematic people
- just weirdos in general…
- freaks of any kind
- if you're a freak
- nsfw artist , weridos ,
- Or just a creep or weirdo
- honestly if u have weird vibes yr getting blocked roflmao
- if you said/did something really dumb or weird
- you have slurs in your username, even if you can reclaim.
- Use slurs you cant reclaim
- use slurs you cant reclaim/use the r slur at all
- if you say slurs that you can't reclaim
- if ur non gay/mlm and u say the f slur
- say slurs you can’t reclaim
- use the r slur if you’re not autistic or have an intellectual disability (looking at you allistic adhders)
- you use terms like femboy, trap, futa, yaoi, loli, shota, etc.
- femboy terminology
- you use slurs you aren’t supposed to
- if you participate in slur discourse
- use the term "snowflake" as an insult
- If you openly participate in discourse
- ace discourser
- use "het" as catch-all for m/f relationships
- i don't care abt ace discourse but i'm an exclus
- Discourse accounts
- you get into discourse of any kind
- Discourse (Syscourse, Shipcourse, RQ discourse)
- We are publically syscourse neutral at the moment, keep all syscourse talk away from us
- excessive drama, fanwars
- People who enjoy to engage in / cause drama
- you often cause discourse/spread rumors
- yell almost all the time, & love starting drama
- if you frequently engage in discourse (esp queer discourse)
- we do not believe in proship or internet discourse but that dosen't mean we are fine with it.
- You support Cringe Culture
- Pro "cringe culture"
- You participate in/support cringe culture
- you engage in any form of cringe culture, including thinking fandom/fanfic blogs are 'cringe'.
- support/like p0rn, h3nt41, y401
- You support the Yandere trope
- you own a yandere or nsfw blog
- claim urself as a yandere or like tjem
- You have people who like or have yandere characters on your DNI.
- people who are "yandere"
- People who draw Naib Subedar as white, or whitewash in general.
- whitewashing/support
- believe in “black washing”, cosplay black/dark skinned/black coded characters and are non black, white, or pale skinned
- You think "blackwashing" is real.
- if you believe blackwashing exists
- You are nonblack and use AAVE
- use aave and are nonblack
- nonblack yttd fans
- misuse aave
- You are todoamoric/vixenamoric
- heavily political
- Zionist
- ur liberal, ancap, anti-com, anti-china, anti-dprk or a zionist
- support israel and if you talk overly sexual stuff about the user or other people.
- Are prolife, support Israel, a dream stan,
- israel supporters, dsmp fans. . .
- zionist, fujoshi,
- don't boycott anything
- pro-isntreal
- Israel supporters (if u are from there but don't support u can, dw)
- Conservative in general
- voted for Trump
- You’re a trump supporter
- you support trump
- republican/otherwise bigoted
- Right wing/conservatives/nazis
- are conservative
- Believe in some supremacy
- You’re antisemite/nazi
- If you're a nazifur / racist or into zoo or pedo nonsense, fuck off
- generally racist
- Politics too much
- support/make NFTs
- pro/neutral NFT
- If you support NFTs & Cryptocurrency, DO NOT interact with me!
- NFT thingies...
- AI "artists," NFT/crypto
- You support NFT and Al ,,artist"
- Supporting NFTs & "Ai Art"
- supports/makes AI "art"
- NFT / crypto / blockchain
- Being a bigot/Ai or NFT user
- ai fartists
- A.I. users or "artists"
- if you support "Ai generated art" or game made from Ai generator
- Do not interact with me if you do not meet the age requirements of twitter
- ur a minor (excluding current moots)
- 12 & under
- Under Thirteen
- Under 13
- you're a minor.
- you're under 14 (current mutuals okay)
- 15 or under, current ok
- +4 age gap(im 14)
- 12 or under / 25 or over (unless I follow first)
- People Who Are Under 13 or Above 17
- under 13 or over 23
- Under 13 over 25
- under 13 or over 18 [unless i follow first]
- younger than 15
- if you're under 15 or over 30 (unless i follow first, current moots are fine)
- youre younger than 16 (more for your safety than mine as i am an adult)
- if i tweet anything nsfw -16 dni
- -13/29+ users please don't interact or follow!!
- -13/25+ (unless i interact first)
- If you are under 14, or over 20.
- people under the age of 16. im gonna be an adult soon so i'd rather be friends w people around that age range !
- minors below 16 (very picky)
- need to know my age (I don't feel comfortable with revealing it)
- older men in general
- that being said dni under 13 please on god I dont wanna be drake 2.0 🙏🙏🙏
- Keep NSFW topics to a minimum
- if u are an nsfw account
- if u are homophobic, ableist, etc.
- You post or retweet NSFW
- NSFW-only artists
- fetish and/or kink blog
- you're a weird fetish account.
- 18+ extreme NSFW/gorey account
- NSFW (Accounts, commentary/jokes.)
- NSFW/kink/fetish
- weird fetishes and kinks
- stan suju woojin wendy kris wu
- if you're a anti of any group in kpop,
- anti bts, islamphobe
- ot6 onlyoneof fan get out of here !!!!
- if you only listen to kpop groups
- nonblack kpop twt
- dont stan bts
- ot2 cassie + jaesu fan (ot4 on occasion)
- touch trigger believers
- '' Touch trigger / Touch discomfort '', or people who are or accept fake systems / endogenic systems.
- "create my pony for me" nuh uh
- take ponytown way too seriously, i promise you're gonna be okay
- Dot eyed ponies, troll, void skins, etc...
- irls on fucking ponytown that let people know youre (most likely faking) delusionally attached to some random character
- you call yourself a fujoshi or are okay with fujoshis. (stop fetishizing mlm!)
- ped0philes, fujoshi/fudanshi, etc.
- You're a Fujoshi
- fetishist fujoshis
- Fem!Aligned DNI | She/They DNI | MtF DNI (I have other fics which are fem!aligned friendly)
- Fem aligned dni or its a hard block
- CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
- (most) minors and fem aligned dni please!
- ⚠️Women, female-identifying, Demi-girls, fujoshis, MLM sexualizers= DNI⚠ Genderfluid ppl are ok to read my works!️
- Please do not interact with my account if you use she/her/hers or are female alignd at all !️
- Women/Fem-aligned nb, People who use she/her pronouns
- Fujoshi's/Yaoi watchers
- talks abt croomf 24/7
- support fundy/minx/schlatt/cmc/ noah/kacey (hypfx r ok)
- doesnt want to tag cc neg/dsmp and osmp character neg/hurt/angst, even when they know how it can effect delusional attachments and introjects
- poppytwt nsfwmcyttwt averagetwt
- is in/supports ANY subtwt that breaks cc boundaries, including: poppytwt, (p)nsfwmcyttwt, fruitytwt, clemtwt, leaktwt, fltwt - if you have multiple accounts, dni on those other accounts as well
- traumacore
- Don't support 'D/As'/irls
- Tubbo antis
- Anti-furry, Anti-Gacha
- If you call me "gacha kid"
- Anti of my stans/likes
- you anti any of the groups i ult / casual
- If you hate my faves in general.
- anti to my favs, meaning you actively hate on them for no good reason (so not if you just criticize them/their actions, that's okay ofc)
- fit the traits i hate and an anti of the groups i stan
- criticize art despite not being an artist
- Mhykyume nonsharing (block me instant!), or if you nonshare Ibara, Rinne and Madara!
- If you dislike yume content
- If you're a DDS (in PH)
- You Guilt trip people for not streaming
- u don’t stream
- ur gonna come at me for calling gold budder...for some reason
- ranboo wilbur tubbo tommyinnit quackity wilbursoot dream sapnap gnf aimsey philza punz fundy slimecicle genloss welcome home hazbin hellluva homestuck country humans ZERODAY tadc ranfren all that shit it all sucks and ill most likely hate you for liking any of it! exceptions are made very rarely.
- DSMP, SP, HB & HH, MHA, WH(Thin ice)
- Criticizing MMJ and L/N because you find them to be "boring."
- those “Neil cisgender” LD fans
- trans-, bi-, homophobes
- TERFs/"gender is a social construct"
- Sexists
- Radical left
- Hardcore vegans
- you have a callout post
- Racists
- You have added this person below, do not interact with me.
- Your name is Miranda (personal trigger)
- your name is cameron or anything similar to it
- if the name 'jared' is visible on your profile
- if your someone name kirana, i hope you jump off a cliff.
- If you are my stalker
- slow moving gifs
- "the world is a simulation"
- white genshin fan
- uu are a nonblack stay/engene
- "mean lesbians"
- say the word pog/poggers
- ugly
- youre obsessed with dragons or dogs
- think that all dogs/cats are evil, hate dogs/cats
- but for my own mental health, PLEASE do not interact if you have any negative views towards Black Butler at all
- ____ s1^rz and r4c1s^.
- art tracers/stealers
- if you repost or use art without permission from artists
- hates aliens
- No hating on heavymedic (LOL)
- anyone who likes the romanticism of red flags/mental disorders
- cat emoji (yall are so insufferable.)
- not a fan of sonadow
- people who dont use newgen as joke
- needles (💉)
- Conspiracy theorists abt Kurt’s death/childhood
- those who take "heavy inspiration" from me
- people who LIKE dolphins
- ppl who make use other ppls death that effected someone as a "comeback".
- fake fans of the universes/characters I like (I don't like fake fans)
- Otherkin, IRL, DA, or alterhuman
- support cringe culture/are anti kin
- if you kin bro strider or post about him a lot
- kin doji, helios or rago from beyblade.
- believe you are me / kin me
- if you kin/post about Haji Towa
- You kin Jolyne (JoJo)
- DNI if you kin vampire cookie, my gf is the only vamp
- you kin or tag anybody as victor grantz
- You kin r//pists
- you kin Haiji Towa
- You kin Hana Kang ( You can interact just please don't bring her up in conversation/while you're shifting her I'm sorry )
- you kin the Joker (DC)
- Factkins
- kin irl people (factives are valid)
- You dislike kinning (duh)
- you don’t like kinnies
- if you kin/id me it's fine, but please dni thank u :)
- kin me or friends/my bf
- singlet identity delusions DNI, other fictives & kins ask to follow
- anti kin / anti self dx
- Believe a person's kins reflect their actions as a person or that they automatically condone the actions of their kin
- Personality systems, otherkin, fictionkin, animalkin
- support endos in did/osdd spaces
- supports endo systems (systems formed without trauma)
- endosystems
- pro/neu endogenic systems
- you identify as a 'sysmed', or do not support endogenic etc. systems.
- endogenic systems / "tulpa" systems
- People who think that " (endogenic) system hopping" and "alter death" are real and not literal abuse tactics
- You’re against/don’t believe in natural systems. Its fine if you dislike the community of them on the whole.
- non system littles/ agereg
- fake claim mental illness
- you 'fakeclaim' anyone under any circumstances.
- fake claimers
- fakeclaimers unless you have genuine good reason
- anti self dx/fakeclaimers
- are bashing hate on OSDDID systems in general
- did / osdd fakers or endos & supporters of them. did / osdd is not a quirky thing you just get without trauma of some sort, chief..
- Singlets who use the word "little" to describe their age regression even if the agere is SFW (SFW agere as a coping mechanism is valid but please find a different word to use if you aren't a system)
- System alters who claim they are a race the body is not or that they have disabilities the body does not
- you think it’s okay to censor integration, fusion, and dormancy
- you proxy as an irl
- you proxy as and/or a source-attached introject from a problematic media (true crime, AHS, south park, etc (ask if curious)).
- anti fictionkin/therian/otherkin
- Reality Checkers/Any Reality Checks & Specific Doubles (Sirin, etc),
- Doppio doubles
- systems who put it everywhere ESPECIALLY in 100 ponytown skins . introj . sys whatever
- antirecovery and endogenic "systems" (ur not a system lil bro) + Factkins /srs
- Make kyf jokes
- joke about r*pe
- can't take a joke
- cancer jokes
- People who uses: Racism, R@p3, Homophobia as a joke (its not funny.)
- people who make su1c1d3 + r@p3 jokes!!!
- ppl who joke abt being homophobic/transphobic
- no shared interests
- you get butthurt easily
- you stan content i dislike
- don't have any stans in common
- you will not interact with my tweets
- don't have anything in common with me
- u don't interact
- if you are uncomfortable
- arent active/only rt
- if you don't like my content. this should be obvious
- People who will hate on my hyperfixations.
- You blocked me
- you're a friend of someone i blocked asking why they're blocked. i don't need to explain to you why i blocked you
- you hate on any of my content (esp pairings or fav charas)
- i dont appreciate being left on seen if you saw my message.
- i sb if U dont interact or if we dont have anything in common sorry
- One of my IRLs that I don't follow
- You know me IRL (gtfo!!)
- If you're my irl and I didn't follow you, or tell you it's okay to interact
- won't respect my preferred names and keep calling me my IRL name unless you are from my IRL circle.
- Exes or ex friends , people from school ,
- please PLEASE dni if youre one of my old friends :'(
- Send death threats
- you think death threats because someone likes a certain fictional ship is okay.
- you send death threats (with very few exceptions)
- leaking my personal info
- sends death threats and tries to genuinely doxx people for something that isnt serious or major, like lore discourse or subtwt wars, dumb shit like that (doesnt apply if theyre jokes)
- If you like sending d3ath Thr3ats (please don't, this triggered my past trauma)
- triggering people on purpose, despite knowing them.
- Are an asshole to psychotic people, purposefully trigger others, don't use trigger warnings
- invalidate people over the tiniest shit.
- Harassed someone over something harmless
- forcing me to do things i don't like.
- Rude to me or my friends
- anybody that has beef with or does not like any of my close friends
- Any Slander/Hate Towards to My Friends, Comfort/Favourite Characters, Especially Towards to My Lovemail. (Please DO NOT pressure me on who should I be friends with, thank you.)
- whoever is in my/my partners sms claiming to like us /r (fuck off.)
- People who mischaracterize me heavily or others I know
- Swearing/cussing too much
- shitpost
- People who make forehead jokes about Frye and Pearl (100% serious on this)
- joking about SA infront of me, if u cant take jokes,
- pessimism, shittalkers, annoying assholes
- supports or tolerates ppl being an asshole
- mean
- and also...you/j
- nd gay people(/j)
- DNI? idk don't be weird i guess.
- NO DNI!!! Ugh.. I'll block you if i want.. and i DONT OWE an explination... baka...
- No DNI js dont be a weirdo, I will block you if you start being a creep or asshole
- dni: no dni, block freely
- im done telling people why i dont like them i just block motherfuckers
- (Idk anymore)
- ✦⁺₊ I don't know
- ✦⁺₊ certain people
- other than that, i will block freely.
- I will block you if you are being weird eugggh
- There's more but I'll just block you if I don't like you
- A ton of other things that I can't remember but I'll probably just block you
- any other kind of weirdo that i'm forgetting
- weirdos in general idk.
- and many more.
- And many-many more Problematic things!
- i'm a minor
- the body is 14
- please do keep in mind that the operator of this account is a minor
- this is an nsfw acc. i’m a minor,
- i’m a minor, i swear a lot
- i am a minor, i tweet nsfw sometimes (not about real people)
- i'm 19 years old and transgender
- i’m a black and hispanic (haitian & columbian american) 13 year old
- i'm a minor, i sometimes h*rny post, and i'm hypersexual
- i curse a lot
- I don't tag many spoilers, I am 13+
- I have been writing/RPing for about 15 years, give or take
- I am a white minor (14) and trans but TME
- I am 22 so if that makes u uncomfy dnf
- i am 14 don’t req if that makes you uncomfortable
- I Mention Things That Could Be Triggering To Others
- don't tag caps + cussing
- i swear a lot and complain about everything. also vent a lot
- i curse and use all caps without cw/tw sometimes
- I swear sometimes outside of Discord and Twitch but I don't like swearing so don't ask me.
- i swear a lot and say kms jokes
- I swear sometimes and use Caps
- i type in cap, swear and talk about food untagged
- swear / tweet in all caps untagged
- heavy swearing (not very often)
- I use curse words
- I cuss and am comfy with cussing
- i swear a lot
- i spam rt + tweet in general
- I'm a digital design major in college
- I have a typing quirk where I replace my S's to Z'z
- i use lots of emojis/gifs
- i use gifs a lot i say lesbo
- I'm disabled mentally and physically
- i have bipolar disorder and anxiety, both diagnosed by a doctor thankfully!
- im autistic and have ADHD!
- i’m mentally ill (undiagnosed)
- i've been diagnosed with combination type adhd, anxiety, and autism. i also have intrusive thoughts.
- im nonbinary, bi, black, and neurodivergent (ADHD)
- I suffer from ADHD, psychosis, DPD, autism, dyslexia, and frequent mood swings
- im dyslexic so don't make fun of my spelling please
- I am mentally ill and physically disabled so i will talk about it
- i believe cishet aroace are not inherently lgbt, and that pansexuality is transphobic and biphobic
- I have autism, adhd, ptsd, rsd, did, and am psychotic, disabled and hypersexual. I also occasionally age regress!
- I have hypersexual and autism
- suspected to have adhd, autism, bpd, and other unlisted disorders that may impact conversation
- I personally can be anywhere between 5-16, I am an age slider in a system.
- I am also a host of a system of 8+
- we're a very fictive heavy polyfragmented system of ~200
- i'm a multi
- we are a paragenic/traumagenic parasian paracontinuum moneotian median system who is in an ultipluric relationship. collective pronouns can be he/him or they/them, and we are a minor
- This system is heavily inspired/named by the roblox game of Phighting! (P!) and has 50+ Phighters (called this instead of "alters") in its system.
- i id as nonhuman! pls dont refer to me as human if u can help it!
- i am atheist (i promise not in a shitty annoying way)
- don't make fun of me for spelling words wrong
- don't call me a bitch or use feminine terms
- if you follow my priv please don't leak my tweets on there
- don't ss any of my tweets
- If I post a selfie, please don’t save them or try to impersonate me with them to make me look bad :^(
- I'm two-spirit, and bi gay, but I use Many different labels
- I am a polyamorous transmasc nonbinary agenderflux lidogender and pinkgender asexual arospec femme lesbian
- i tweet about interests other than kpop
- i live twt about shows i watch
- i tend to post memes or stuff that makes me happy/ excited
- i'm a no stunts larrie and I don’t believe louis is a dad
- sometimes will tweet about games
- i mainly twt about kingdom & cix
- I mostly tweet abt my stans and my daily life
- i mainly post about good omens, hannibal, and spn
- I don't hold back with my opinions, sometimes send vulgar things to bigots
- i will not have sexual conversations with people 17 and older
- Please tag abuse of any kind as well as spiders with a tw !
- i'm afraid to not fuck up a conversation
- if I use ‘🥺’ I am being sarcastic
- i may vary from the many interests from time to time so that will change a lot
- I don't support / condone any of the concepts I post in real life
- i don’t condone any problematic behaviour from my stans or faves and i will call them out
- i do not support the problematic things that my faves have done
- I do not support the problematic actions of my favs nor am I responsible for them
- I interact with my tl a lot
- i don't interact
- /j/p flirting only moots between the ages of 13-16, not men (romantic flirting is reserved for my gf)
- you may flirt with me /p or /r
- don't flirt at me even as a joke
- I talk a lot about communism
- Threats: Close moots only
- i use the f slur untagged, i tweet about mcyt
- i reclaim the q and f slur
- i reclaim my slurs
- i tend to reclaim slurs i can say so beware
- I reclaim the d slur and p slur (psychotic/psycho).
- I say slurs I can reclaim
- I use slurs I can reclaim, if you're uncomfortable with that please dm me so I can cw it
- i can reclaim the words faggot and retard i dont use these often but if that makes you uncomfortable dont follow
- i do not tag or censor q***r at all - not as a slur or otherwise - and am not comfortable doing so
- i'm an art student
- i'm an absurdist, anything that comes out of my mouth either Politically, Religiously, Etc., is completely a joke!
- I rant and vent alot about random things
- hyperfix on pjo and mlb
- pls pls do not try to guess my name or call me names that aren’t nat unless i say you can
- I support the DPRK and unified korea
- I'll probably fb if ur a red kpop twt lol
- I probably won’t fb if i don’t know you’re stance on larry or you don’t have a card
- i won't fb if you don't have a carrd
- sb to break the mutual please
- i srs ship dnf and rt heavy nsfw related to them.
- I make a lot of NSFW posts, and I am always horny
- I don't ship Ziam in real life but I ship them in fanfics
- anti any of my favs, dislike irl shipping
- Shipping with me or someone is not allowed
- ship real people
- Ship me with Applejack (WE'RE FAMILY??!?)
- you ship/sexualize real people srs
- don't priv qr i have anxiety.
- I talk alout about things I'm hyperfixated on
- If you can't control something, then it's fine
- please do not slander my comfort characters!
- i will like antis tweets if its funny
- only use they/them on me if you’re trans
- I’m inclusionist
- I’m pro vaxx
- I’m an anti
- I’m pro choice
- Simping: ok, just don't make uncomfy comments especially not on my body my body makes me very uncomfortable. I'm also a MINOR
- i recommend not to follow me if you don't know me irl
- I'm a pretty chill/calm person but I have anger issues so don't mess with me or I will go crazy
- i tweet abt madtown when I’m sad
- When I saying "xdddd" it doesn't mean I'm laughing or sometimes I'm laughing
- I really hate kys/die jokes so please don’t say them to me
- im okay with nsfw and die jokes
- okay with kys/die jokes
- dont make kys jokes with me if not close
- I make death threat jokes
- i make kys jokes with close moots
- I get triggered by some "jokes" such as gore jokes, sh jokes and r@pe jokes.
- i am sfw but interact with/follow nsfw and 18+ accs
- I Sometimes Spam
- i rt a lot of sus things all the time (porn etc.)
- sb to unf, you can ss but ask first. if i pqrt one of your friends just move on
- i may pqrt your moots, ignore it
- dm me screenshots of any pqrts
- I'm Not Funny
- Don't try to find my personal instagram
- I might not follow back if you only stan boy groups (unless you stan onlyoneof or onf hehe) or mostly tweet about groups i dont stan
- 16+ follows, if younger: please ask me first at dms!
- I am okay with BTS mutuals if they are not toxic
- if i say something that i shouldn't actually say or that makes you uncomfy please tell me immediately
- i call ppl bff/bestie so let me know if that makes u uncomfy
- ask to follow if you post or have a parappa the rapper icon
- i swear and use all caps sometimes (both untagged but let me know if you want either of these tagged)
- if you find my tweets, jokes and actions offensive, inappropriate or uncomfy, please do educate me through dms
- I keysmash a ton, don't always use tone indicators, i don't tag my interests/comforts, rt heavy, not spoiler free, please tell me if i do anything that makes you uncomfortable!
- i have a hard time remembering to tag flag discourse, sorry!!
- I can't tag any of my interests or comforts so please don't follow me if you need them tagged
- i forget to tag spoilers
- I try to tag things when I think something may be triggering (dm or reply to the tweet if I need to tag it)
- If there is something wrong with anything I say or you feel uncomfortable pls dm me
- i will interact with your tweets , dm if you feel uncomfy in any way!
- Please DM me if you need me to tag something that is triggering to you though.
- Let me know via DMs if I do something bad. Anonymous messages make me anxious.
- don't rant in dms without asking
- feel free to interact with me or dm me for friendships
- If you have any questions or would like to set up some RP or bounce ideas, please feel free to reach out to me in-game or through my other social media
- i dont often tag tw or cw
- I try to //tw and //cw as much as I can
- I try to tw but I might forget. I won't tag my hyperfixations
- i need tone tags
- please use tone indicators for me!! + i may overuse tone indicators bc i want to make sure my tone is read properly
- i try to use tone indicators
- sometimes needs tone tags
- PLEASE use tone indicators, mostly /j /hj /s /p /r etc because if not ill always think youre serious
- Please use /j, /s, /nm, and /lh with me.
- use tone indicators (if you don't know what they are, ask)
- don't over use tone indicators with me
- pls use tone indicators if it's not obvious that you're joking
- I am nd and require tone tags
- i drink and occasionally drunk tweet. if i am drunk i most likely cannot tag alcohol
- if we are not close, please use tone indicators
- i really dont like the feeling of being scared so please dont send me anything that could be disturbing or freak me out (specifically at night)
- if u kin axel (kh) ask to follow, my partner is delusional sorry
- I both willingly and unwillingly age regress/progress, usually when stressed
- I tend to put spaces between punctuation (ex. Hi !)
- My relationship with Homestuck is complicated and very personal. I don't consider myself part of the fandom and I try my best to tag it.
- I do not wish anyone to mention what bad things I did in the past as I already move on (I was only 10-14 y/o)
- traumadumping/venting to me is okay
- i'm very critical of the medias i'm from or interact with!
- A post including the name/word dev. Developer or development is fine, just not the shortened word
- rabies
- Parappa the rapper, including spinoffs
- house fires
- sledgehammers
- politics
- irl ladybugs
- eye trauma
- internalized homophobia
- sonfinite/sonic x infinite
- fire emblem is the biggest discomfort of mine so please tag it
- Wasps, Yellowjackets, and Smooth Bees (Anything w/ a Stinger)
- Vomit
- metal nails
- grooming/using religion
- the name cameron or any variation if it, arophobia, animal abuse
- the names kankri, amber, kaci and cobra
- eve (the music artist)
- The name Aimee, and aime
- Use of the word c*nt
- sexual assault & abuse, rape, spiders, trypophobia, animal abuse / death.
- rape, sa, sh, suicide, yelling, and heavy topics
- oct 14, grooming, holes, gore, self harm
- hate on my main interests
- Gore
- puppy lasagna by 4lung
- irl gore
- Insects and bugs, Izuru Kamekura, Rintaro Okabe (just images etc)
- lgbtq-phobes, racism/xenophobia, guns/flashing lights, ableism, no tw/cw
- any adult x minor or family member x family member ships
- animals getting hurt (especially cats)
- narumayo (pheonix wright x maya fey)
- Self Harm
- violent kicking or yelling
- R@pe
- Suicide
- big agressive dogs
- Intense Death
- Animal Abuse/Death
- Homophobic/Transphobic/Racist Christians
- Yelling and Screaming
- Torture
- gore, eating disorder,
- self harm, dteam neg,
- kankri vantas from hs
- vomit, bugs, flash lights
- Child Abuse
- Family Abuse
- self harm, suicide, overdose, vomit, pills, blood, needles, jumpscares, 42 by 3racha
- DO NOT make sexual innuendos at me please!!!! it makes me feel incredibly bad!!!
- Bo Burnham
- Olivia Rodrigo
- the nicknames girlie and sweet girl (other gendered terms should be totally fine)
- zodiac/horoscopes
- garage door opening
- country music
- willy wonka, islamophobia, biphobia, anti asian violence/rhetoric
- Spiders/arachnophobia
- Needles/trypanophobia
- Pregnancy/childbirth/tokophobia
- Alcohol
- nsfw
- abuse
- incest
- self-harm & suicide
- unsanitary / dirty things
- loud noises
- coroika hate
- soul eater hate
- nagito hate
- dtk hate
- Art Theft (years ago back on my first dA acct someone actually stole my art and re-uploaded it- believe me or not. That person eventually got banned and their account deleted, but yeah.)
- The names Emma, Courtney, Savannah, Wesley, Derrick, Johnny/Jonny, Brenden/Brendan/Branden, Kyle, Brook/Brooke/Brooklyn/Brooklynn, Pisces, Lapis, Mocha, Toxic, Ruthi/Ruth, Aoife, Hermi, Shiro, Kevin, Shade, Roy in general - MORE TBA LATER
- Countryhumans (I honestly have NO real idea WHAT this is, but what I do know is I don't like it and I am not interested in it. Please keep whatever this is away from me.)
- As for my Triggers, you can find them here! It’s in a google doc because it’s fairly big, and I don’t want it taking up even more space.
- The idea of things ending and having no control (I know it happens but Google Metathesiophobia)
- jokes about humanoid (or any kind of pokemon) pokemon being "attractive"
- phrases like "h" on its own or "hhhh"
- ahegao faces
- that one vaporeon copypasta (if u dont know dont look it up /srs)
- The 💥 emoji
- The :| emoticon (:/ is okay)
- Ibuki Mioda’s + Hiyoko Saionji’s deaths
- Videos of people saying the word “perfect” (written/typed is fine)
- Mr. Game & Watch
- Arcanine
- Papyton + other ships involving Papyrus
- The characters Endeavor, Midnight, Best Jeanist, and Mr. Compress (all from MHA)
- Being called Queer/part of the "Queer" community
- Lance (Pokemon)
- Rape
- i have a severe dr*g (420 included)/ alcohol trigger, pls avoid talking abt it around me
- Etc.