About me
I've been obssessed with computers and games from my earliest memories to now. I tried to learn how to code when I was a preteen but couldn't figure it out until a couple years ago. It's never too late to learn something new. Here are some things that are important to me.
Like a lot of 4chan irony poisoned teenagers turned furry, I initially joined the furry fandom as a "" joke "" but then it became a real interest after I met many creatures who were and still are special to me. I had always loved cartoon creature characters and related to them more.
I built a dactyl keyboard in 2020 and have been using it exclusively ever since. [Pic] I'm working on making a new one. I use Colemak layout instead of Qwerty. Qwerty is just terrible and encourages you to float your right paw around over the keyboard instead of actually staying on the homerow. J and K are some of the least frequently used letters in English, and they get put on the homerow for some reason. Colemak and other alternative layouts try to arrange the letters in a sane way. I specifically picked Colemak to learn instead of Dvorak or others because ZXCVB are all in the same spot as Qwerty, which makes using a computer easier. (Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste)
My Creatures

My fursona, Miles the Kiophen
Miles is a kiophen from Den. They're a gliding delivery kiophen, and travel between branches of the great tree to make their deliveries. They're kind of a loner due to their job which prevents them from staying in one place for too long, but they don't mind. They like making their rounds and catching up with folks they know once in a while. I like worldbuilding kiophen, but have no current intention of making anything else out of it other than designing kiophen and their world.
Gelmew is a Mew from some other universe who had to give up their original physical form in order to survive in this universe. They make themselves out of a gel substance which they assemble from physical material in their surroundings. They have a core that they anchor to their body in this universe, but can unanchor themself and let their body collapse if they need to "teleport" away. They don't emote with their face much and don't talk much either.

My gelsona, Gelmew the Mew.
My experience with Linux
I also use Linux exclusively, with Manjaro + KDE. I have not needed to make any major changes to my software habits to switch from Windows. Here is a list of things I do on Linux that you might not know are possible:
- Plug in my Wacom Cintiq and have it Just Work (no extra drivers/software needed)
- Emulate Sega Saturn, Gamecube/Wii, N64, and Switch games
- Plug in my other USB devices including xbox controller and have them all Just Work
- Play Terraria, Minecraft, SRB2Kart, Stardew Valley, Noita, Black Mesa, VRChat, and even Second Life with no extra work needed.
- Have a file manager with a tabbed interface by default (Windows 11 has this now)
- Change the entire operating system's appearance (here's what mine looks like)
- Use standard programs like Discord, Steam, Firefox/Chrome
- Send Email !!!
- Not get advertised to in my FUCKING start menu
List of Underwhelming Linux Accomplishments. These are just things I do on Linux that I don't think are special, and things that work but are slightly more of a pain to do than on Windows.
- Use Blender (3D modelling), Krita (Art program), Audacity (Audio editor), OBS (Streaming software), Drawpile (Multi-user paint program) with no problems. Maybe one of these would be surprising to someone, but they are all open-source so they are just unsurprisingly compatible.
- Use a VR headset with SteamVR games (HTC Vive). It worked 99% as well as Windows, just some visual glitchiness in the menus.
- Ran Clip Studio Paint just enough to test if a specific brush setting would warrent switching from Krita (it did not. it would be a downgrade)
List of Linux Failures. I have tried to do these things but no matter what I could not do them, but would be trivial on Windows.
- Run the Windows Vista/7/10 version of Microsoft Paint
- Play the 2005 PC fangame "Knuckles In China Land" (this isn't trivial on Windows anymore either as it's a .NET 1.0 program)
My favorite color is cyan, the color between green and blue. Most people think cyan is just light blue, but it's its own color. Most people haven't been raised with the vocabulary to distinguish between cyan and blue. Noticing people refer to this color incorrectly is my only personality trait.
Cyan is the base hue, some tones of cyan include teal, turquoise, and aqua. I've heard that in some places, bright cyan is called 'neon blue'. I can accept this marginally more than calling it light blue..
(blue + green.)
(Hex #0ff)
(blue + white.)
(Hex #77f)
When you put them side by side like that, the light blue can look like lavender, but it's literally pure blue with white added to it. Here's 256 randomly generated shades of cyan.
I like the "Y2K aesthetic". I hope there is a revival of the 2000s consumer design aesthetics. Specifically, translucent and rounded plastics, blobjects, cyan-orange-white color schemes, gels, translucent inflatables, translucent materials in general, and holographic materials are some of my favorite things.
I wrote the previous paragraph a few years ago. There has since been a small resurgence in 2000s aesthetic appreciation :) Mostly within niche communities and internet artists, but I see a lot more Y2K inspired design today. Not a whole lot of consumer design has changed, we're still mostly stuck on flats and simplification and more flats. At least skeuomorphism is coming back a little.
My understanding of the term "Y2K aesthetic" has evolved a bit since then, mostly after seeing people refer to a very wide range of different styles as "Y2K". I grew up in the 2000s, so I am familiar with a lot of the design trends of the time. However, a lot of those trends are not what I would consider "Y2K". It seems like some people consider anything from the 2000s as Y2K, so disemination of more specific terminology would be useful. Frutiger aero and vectorheart were both big in the 2000s, but are distinct from "The Y2K Aesthetic" as I know it.
Frutiger aero was specifically a corporate design trend of the mid-2000s characterized by glossy materials and natural elements, and had the express purpose of greenwashing perceptions of tech/companies. Y2K includes product/graphic design, architecture, and fashion with a specific futuristic 70s-revival vibe of the mid-90s/early-00s. FA definitely adopts design language from Y2K, but they are different.
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